Rhesus Negative .NET

The Rhesus Negative Information Center

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Rhesusnegative.net is your education and information center for anything related to the rhesus negative blood factor

Meet our members:

Do you know your blood type?

Because knowing it saves lives.
Knowing your blood type can make the difference between having a chemical pregnancy and successfully carrying a fetus til birth.
Many people in the western world do not know their blood types and that is what we are here to change.
Rhesus negative mothers are at risk. Not just for themselves, but their future children as well. Children born through sperm donations for example only experience 1/5th of the health risks of conventionally conceinved kids.
The reason is simple: Blood type compatibility is ensured.
What is blood type compatibility?
It works similar to the process of blood donation where the man is viewed as the blood donor and the woman as the receiver.
We do not encourage you to go to a sperm bank or switch partners.
We believe that single people in the world need to be given the option to view available potential partners based on blood type compatibility and are dedicated to offering you up to date resources when it comes to avoiding potential medical complications.
Have questions?
We have answers.
View the resources above and drop us a line.
We will do our best to help you through.

More articles:

Where does the rh negative blood factor originate?

How do rh negative people describe their own blood type's personality traits?

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