Are rh negative people nomadic by heart?

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As far as where my evidence is leading me, it doesn’t have to be that the Basques originate from a group high in rh negative blood. It could be, but isn’t necessarily so. It could easily be that Basques originate from various groups and some of them overall not being high in rh negative blood. But why would a group of people have a higher percentage of rh negatives than their ancestors?

I have recently seen several studies of blood type frequencies among the Bedouins of the Sinai Peninsula. All show frequencies higher than 20%.

The key is to identify the ancestors.

Not look at the entire group, but the ones who decided to leave their home in anticipation of a better life.

It takes a unique type of individual to do so. While some are nomadic at heart, others are frightened to death to make such move. Most rh negatives I know personally cannot understand the fearfulness and complacency of the general population. The acceptance of misery and learning to be comfortable with it. In all aspects of life we see it. Who we choose for a partner, what career we have chosen. It is sad having recently read a credible study showing that the vast majority of the world population has settled in all aspects of life. Few live their dreams and are generally happily in love with their spouses. It is sad and you can feel it. It is part of what contributes tremendously to the overall misery we see in everyday life.

Few have taken advantage of the free blood type dating site where you can choose a partner based on blood type. Others have managed to find an rh negative partner offline, but more likely online. It helps to have more options and meet based on certain priorities. And of course based on rh negative personality traits. Which is what this post is about.

Are you always in search of a better way? A better life? Are you unable to accept constant misery?

I already believe to know the answer based on personal conversations with numerous rh negatives like you. But I would like to see more feedback.

Please let me know on Facebook, below in the commenting section or our forum. Let me know what drives you. When you decide to do a U-turn. And what it is that you believe can make you happy in life.

Thank you in advance for your response!

Examples of nomadic rh negatives:

Once traveled west until the ocean stopped them. Built ships. Explored many parts of the world. Including South and Central America as well as other locations such as the Philippines.

Their lifestyle is purely nomadic.

The Yorubas of Nigeria
The fact that despite Neanderthal DNA almost being absent from Africa, them carrying it indicates their ancestors having taken a long journey to get to the region they mostly live in today.

The Yamna people
Went all over Europe from the Black Sea region. On many occasions. Also towards the east to become the…

The group responsible for the legendary Amazon women. Migrated among other places to the region now known as Silesia.

The Walsers
These Rhone Valley residents in Switzerland have several locations where Basque-like frequencies of rh negatives have been noted. Where they came from originally, is still unclear.

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  1. Laurie October 31, 2018
    • Mike DammannAuthor October 31, 2018
      • Laurie October 31, 2018
  2. Barbara Johnson October 31, 2018
  3. Charles Wright October 31, 2018
  4. Rachel P October 31, 2018
  5. Valerie Cuan October 31, 2018
  6. RL October 31, 2018
    • Mike DammannAuthor November 2, 2018
  7. JC October 31, 2018
  8. Fi Clark November 3, 2018
  9. Wendy November 3, 2018
  10. Ewa November 3, 2018
  11. Debs November 12, 2018
  12. Maarek December 9, 2018
  13. Lori Piner March 1, 2021

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