Insomnia and Women who are Blood Type A Negative

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Insomnia map.

Insomnia is 40% more common in women than in men.
Statistically speaking, blood type A people are most likely to suffer from insomnia. As blood type A people also seem to suffer the most from OCD and hysteria. Generally speaking, people with blood type A rank the worst for anything related to stress.

A survey of 1.1 million residents in the United States found that those that reported sleeping about 7 hours per night had the lowest rates of mortality, whereas those that slept for fewer than 6 hours or more than 8 hours had higher mortality rates. Getting 8.5 or more hours of sleep per night increased the mortality rate by 15%. Severe insomnia – sleeping less than 3.5 hours in women and 4.5 hours in men – is associated with a 15% increase in mortality. However, most of the increase in mortality from severe insomnia was discounted after controlling for co-morbid disorders. After controlling for sleep duration and insomnia, use of sleeping pills was also found to be associated with an increased mortality rate.

So what can you do if you suffer from insomnia?

– Let go.
Give yourself a break. Allow yourself to mess up and give yourself time to learn from that.
– OCD indicates a feeling that you have lost control and are trying to get it back somehow.
That is not a good feeling to have when you close your eyes and want some rest. Minimize your world if needed to something you feel in control of. Try never to owe anybody, try to be closed up with those who you know you cannot trust, but more open and loving towards those who mean you well. A circle of good energy around you will make you feel protected and not allowing intruders and emotional vampires in will allow you to keep that feeling of protection.
– Deal with what bothers you during the day when it comes your way.
Don’t delay it, but always be diplomatic, yet direct. If you postpone dealing with issues, they can become much bigger.
– Allow the evening to fade into the night.
If you have had a stressful day, take extra time making a nice dinner and ensure that there will be a peaceful, stressless athmosphere and calm down towards when it is time for you to lay down.
– To get a good sleep pattern going, avoid laying down during the day.
Instead do not stay up if you cannot sleep. Force yourself to lie down. Your mind might race, yet you body will get rest. Then the next day, it will allow you to function, but you will struggle enough to where you are going to fall asleep at the right time the following night.

Being an insomniac is not a bad thing
It is a natural reaction to unnatural circumstances your mind is consumed with. Being an insomniac also can indicate a high IQ. People not perceptive regarding issues have an easier time shutting down while those understanding their worries well are not easily to relax.

Are you afraid of your dreams?

Here is a question to you:
Do you recogize the faces in your dreams?
Because those are faces you have seen before, some of which you may have forgotten. Ask yourself why some of those faces you don’t even consciously remember, would come to you like that.
The reason goes quite deep, but it is a positive one in terms of indicating that there might be a pattern of wrong pathes you are taking.
What is interesting to me is not just who I dream about, but who I DON’T dream about having shown me a few times that in fact I pay much too much attention to certain people and with that miss out on connecting with those I have so much more in common with.

Don’t let your dreams get lost.

Start a dream journal. The dreams you have are a big part of you. Your unconsciousness is sending you messages and reading them when your mind is clearer can help you understand yourself much better.

Hearing relaxing music externally can help.

But the real answers are on the inside.
And when you dig them up, you too can find your peace!

Do not look at this as a handicap, but keep in mind that
Intelligent people go to bed late, leave a mess everywhere, and use bad language

Albert Einstein’s work desk
Albert Einstein’s work desk

More here: Insomniacs and Blood Type A

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  1. prioris October 15, 2016
  2. Lisa Eklund October 17, 2016
    • prioris October 19, 2016
    • Diana November 6, 2016

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