Blood Type Frequencies by Regions, Tribes and Ethnic Groups including the Rh Factor

Below are some of the sources as well as additional information to the blood type frequencies by Regions, Tribes and Ethnic Groups:

A big thank you to Lasse Westvang Hougaard for contributing to these studies.

Don't know where to start?

ABO and Rh blood type distribution by Regions, Tribes and Ethnic Groups (population averages)
Country Population O+ A+ B+ AB+ O- A- B- AB-
Ainu 28.727-203,727 11.9% 32% 32% 15.5%1.13% 3.04% 3.04% 1.5%
Kurds 30-38 Million 34.03% 29.99% 21.69% 6.02%3.13% 2.48% 2.15% 0.51%
Northern Ireland 1,789,000 39.96% 25.65% 8.00% 2.05%14.62% 9.13% 2.83% 0.75%
Wales 3,006,400 38.19% 33.05% 7.94% 2.81%8.20% 6.76% 1.54% 0.51%
Country Population O+ A+ B+ AB+ O- A- B- AB-
Weighted mean tbc