The Rh Negative Blog

7 Reasons why knowing your Blood Type is important

This post is inspired by a reply on Quora from someone claiming to be a medical professional. When asked why it is so difficult to find out one’s blood type, he replied with “Why do you need to know? It isn’t important”.

I disagree and here are 7 reasons why:


In pregnancies, the blood type information can be crucial.


You may travel to a country where your blood type is tough to access due to lowered frequencies among donors.


Anything related to you should also be of interest to you.


There are plenty of medical conditions associated with blood types.


Are blood types and personality traits connected?


“I don’t know” should never be a permanent answer.


Knowing your blood type may open a door to finding out more about your ancestry.

Please note, that blood type is not sufficient evidence to prove paternity and also highly questionable in exclusion.