The Rh Negative Blog

Are crooked teeth more common in rh negatives?

Maybe. But here is why:

It doesn’t have to do with your blood type, but mix of ancestries.

So, if you are rh negative, a good chance is there you are a mix of Celtic and Germanic origin. Or Slavic and Jewish. Or Persian and East-Asian.

Freddie Mercury, B-, as a child.

So if you have Germanic teeth, square, large, wide, in a Celtic jaw (round and narrow), you have what is known as “British teeth”, as Brits for the most part are a mix of Germans and Celts (some Viking).

Same with other combinations quite common among rh negatives.

No, your blood type doesn’t make your teeth crooked. But certain combinations of ancestries common in rh negatives may also have large variations of teeth and jaw shapes, sizes and alignments, that…

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