The Rh Negative Blog

My answer to the question “Are Rh negatives evil?” – Part 2

Many have entered this search term via Google. The question is why.

Please don’t comment unless you watch at least part of the video below.

Thank you, Lesley for your comment:

This is kinda complicated. It shouldn’t be but my definition of evil would be someone that ends, destroys, harms or abuses life for their own selfish(not survival) or entertainment reasons. All bloodtypes are capable of evil. I could be dead wrong here but a few situations I researched led to the “leader” or “boss” being rh-. However the people following orders and performing the “evil” acts were rh+. Without the hired enforcers, such acts would never be. So in situations like these, should the question be, ‘are rh+’s evil?’. Or which one is more evil, the order giver or order follower. Imagine a world where nobody took bribes…. I hope you see my point. I have a rh- relative that does some pretty bad things due to an extreme lack of empathy. The reason for the lack of empathy is that they were completely spoiled by a very kind, passive rh- mother. I don’t think it has anything to do with her bloodtype, it has to do with how she was raised. In my opinion, environmental, social, and societal conditions would influence evil traits more than bloodtype. I don’t know but assume there are more rh-‘s that are not evil, based on my definition.

Here is my video response:

Part 1:

See also: