The Rh Negative Blog

Are rh negatives natural-born researchers?

Ettore Majorana was an Italian theoretical physicist who worked on neutrino masses. On 25 March 1938, he disappeared under mysterious circumstances while going by ship from Palermo to Naples. The Majorana equation and Majorana fermions are named after him. In 2006, the Majorana Prize was established in his memory.

Many of us have been told in the past that we “think too much”.

What did the people who told you such also have in common?

Keep in mind that while the symptoms are what is focused on, the cause is of true interest. What exactly is the nature of the gene and in which other ways does it express its presence.

A lot of us have heard “Stop asking so many questions” as children.
Now we learn that questioning is what makes us us.
We are conditioned to learn what others want us to and ignore what we want to know.
Individualism isn’t encouraged.
Many of us continue to have unanswered questions since childhood. I will try to think of some questions that keep popping up that no one has ever answered and I usually forget about.
The answers are often simple, but teachers are just as conditioned as everyone else and tend to brush off what makes them look bad having to admit they cannot answer.
At this point and time we need questions more than ever.
I don’t understand people who read links thrown at them when the information on it is nothing new. It dumbs you down and makes you forget your questions. It stalls development.

Most people seem to have a tough time admitting to not knowing something and fall further into ignorance.

Being dismissive is rare among rh negatives and something I have only observed among rh negatives who are also heavily medicated. For example, someone taking medication for OCD. OCD of course has a cause that is being overshadowed by pills. It means: The person is being farther distanced from herself. Her intuition is no longer activated like before.

It is equally toxic to dismiss before knowing as is to accept without knowing. It looks like rh negatives tend to not judge quickly. It is popular in the general population to “form an opinion” quickly, but we don’t tend to see a need for that.

Mind you also, that when people use their degree to gain importance during a discussion shines a light on two types of people in medical/scientific communities: 1) Active researchers. Their degree is a tool to find out what hasn’t been discovered yet. 2) The complacent ones who like to go on Quora and Facebook and avoid research by any means necessary. Their degree becomes their identity and the information once provided to them is more than enough for them. Be careful with those who claim a degree, yet cannot provide answers to the more difficult questions and make claims that outside temperature impacts the virus when you avoid going outside.

Whether or not you are a researcher is a question of state of mind.

Education is a tool.

You can become the tool of educational conditioning when you forget your initial questions.

Keep your questions alive. If you don’t, someone else will ask them. You will lose your spot in history.