Does red hair come from Neanderthals?

Due do the comment made here, I tried to find the original article in hope to get a study referenced. For now, I will link to a different post I have found about that original 2001 article. If you know of an actual study, please let it in the comment section. Forum post: Red-Haired Genes From Neanderthals? Here is an old, but interesting story. The famous American anthropologist Carleton S. Coon argued that some Europeans descend from the Neanderthals, could this help prove it? Redheads ‘are Neanderthal’. RED hair may be the genetic legacy of Neanderthals, scientists believe. Researchers at the John Radcliffe Institute of Molecular Medicine in Oxford say that the so-called “ginger gene” which gives people red … Continue reading Does red hair come from Neanderthals?