The Rh Negative Blog

Are opium addicts more likely to be blood type AB negative?

A Bam City study suggests this.
Three-hundred ninety nine individuals from nearly 3000 clients referred to the rehabilitation clinic from 2005 to 2008 participated with complete consent in the study. The highest frequency belonged to opium addicts(85.6%) and the most prevalent addiction type pertains to opium consumption via smoke inhalation (58.2%). The probability rate of AB negative blood type compared to other blood types among the addicts was 6.07 fold the control group.

Due to an easy access to opium, the prevalence rate of consuming other drugs is lower in Bam City. The relative frequency distribution of addiction among blood types AB+, AB- and Rh may be because of a higher sympathy toward addiction or more interest toward addiction withdrawal or the higher rate of presence of such individuals in the region in the aftermath of Bam earthquake, on which the genetic and other factors affect. It seems essential to conduct more precise researches in this regard.

So is there any other information available backing this up?
So far there is not much to be found. Other than Dr. D’Adamo calling O and AB blood types “high risk for substance abuse:

The O profile includes:
“monotony-avoidance leads to risky behavior”
as well as something shared with AB: “imbalance of the neurochemical dopamine”

More to come …
Sources include:
“Substance Misuse Patterns and Blood Types of Self-Introduced Addicts to Substance Rehabilitation Centers of Bam City”
“Possible association between human blood types and opioid addiction.”