The Rh Negative Blog

Five genes often found in severe cases of Covid-19

Revealed: the five genes  


Creates an enzyme that can lead to inflammation 

Is targeted with JAK inhibitors and one already approved for use in humans is baricitinib which treats rheumatoid arthritis 


Targetable by drugs that are in trials but are not widely used, for psoriasis 

Evidence for this gene is not as strong as for other genes in the study, but Dr Baillie says it is still ‘compelling’


Is a gene that initiates a signal that activates an enzyme which degrades RNA derived from viruses. 

Several other coronavirus have a way of preventing this mechanism. No evidence yet for SARS-CoV-2, but it might be a specific feature that does this.

Targettable by a  class of drugs called phosphodiesterase 12 inhibitors.

These are not currently in clinical trials but theoretically would enhance antiviral effect of this system. 


This is a core part of signalling that is responsible to the host antiviral response. 

Signalling in this pathway is important in the chance of getting sick. 

Relevant in fighting the virus directly, much like OAS1. This is more important early in the disease as later in the disease, virus levels drops and the issue comes from the body’s immune system attacking itself. 


Known to play several roles in inflammation but the researchers do not yet know exactly where it fits in to the Covid-19 disease progression. 

They are therefore unable to make a direct therapeutic prediction. 

It is associated with pulmonary fibrosis and might be associated with ‘long covid’.  

Five genes often found in severe cases of Covid-19