The Rh Negative Blog

High percentage of AB negatives in Armenian women with endometrial carcinoma

ABO blood-type and rhesus distribution were studied in 548 Armenian women with endometrial carcinoma according to Rh-Hr system. The control group included 33,413 plus 440 healthy Armenian women with similar blood characteristics. The ratio of individuals with AB (IV) Rh (-) blood was found to be significantly higher (p < 0.05) as compared to controls. It is suggested that these findings should be taken into account when forming high-risk groups of Armenian patients with endometrial carcinoma. Endometrial cancer is a cancer that arises from the endometrium (the lining of the uterus or womb). It is the result of the abnormal growth of cells that have the ability to invade or spread to other parts of the body. The first sign is most often vaginal bleeding not associated with a menstrual period. As for the blood type frequencies in Armenia: Around half of Armenians are blood type A.

Sources include:
[Blood-type and rhesus distribution in Armenian women with endometrial carcinoma].