The Rh Negative Blog

If Rh negatives are such sick people, why isn’t our life expectancy significantly lower?

Learning about the cause for the untimely death of actor Ed Lauter has prompted me to revisit my own asbestos scare. Image source: Ivy Supersonic

A year ago I spoke about my asbestos scare:

I have since learned, that…

This paper reviews the aetiology, distribution and projected future incidence of malignant mesothelioma. Asbestos exposure is the most thoroughly established risk factor. Debate continues regarding the relative importance of the different asbestos fibre types and the contribution of Simian virus 40 (SV40). Disease incidence varies markedly within and between countries. The highest annual rates of disease, approximately 30 case per million, are reported in Australia and Great Britain. The risk of disease increases with age and is higher in men. Time from asbestos exposure to disease diagnosis is on average greater than 40 years. Non-occupational asbestos exposures contribute an increasing proportion of disease. With the exception of the United States, incidence continues to increase. In developed countries peak incidence is expected to occur before 2030.

Not being able to sleep in an asbestos-spewing-AC room may categorize me as a little too sensitive. However, there is a reason for it and it has to do with our inner alarm protecting us. Whatever your ailments may be, there is a reason and the alarm can be listened to or ignored. We are not unhealthy people, but rather healthy when listening to the warning signs. Most people didn’t get bothered by the AC unit, but I did and I am convinced that every Rh negative in that room would be uncomfortable.

Look at our sensitivity as a blessing. It takes more than 40 years (usually) for the asbestos impact to result in cancer. This is just one of many aspects of life where people tend to get sick, have no idea why, yet label those who follow their intuition and warning signs are labeled as being too sensitive.

See also: