The Rh Negative Blog

Is civilization without censorship a possibility?

I’m not sure where the line is, so I am tired of drawing it.

Just because a comment is approved doesn’t mean I agree with it or like it.

My point is this:

If there is something you are disagreeing with, state your case.

This blog is about Rh negative blood and people, but most of all FOR Rh negative people.

So here is my question to you:

Is civilization without censorship a possibility?

If everything is allowed, will it not be inevitable for group to form independently and then censoring the rest?

I will do my best to keep this blog 100% censorship free, but it takes your help to make it happen.

If you see a comment you’re disagreeing with, do your part to state your case.

Then and only then can we all enjoy a community where no one side dominates and all Rh negatives coming here will be best served.