The Rh Negative Blog

Is real estate agent the perfect job for Rh Negative women?

So far, I have not been able to pinpoint ideal jobs by blood type, but there are tendencies detectable.

If you are blood type B negative for example, you may be a good actor.

If you are A negative, something around the lines of diplomat, spokesperson, writer etc.

Type O negative is likely a natural-born organizer.

One thing that stands out on my list of friends is the frequency of Rh Negative women who are also real estate agents.

I honestly think that is the perfect job for rh negative women judging by the experiences I have had being around rh negative women. It is not always easy to put something into words immediately, but it takes a certain type of energy to be a good and successful agent. One that feels the customer and knows what fits and then goes for the kill.