The Rh Negative Blog

Are there physical characteristics which rh negatives are more likely to have?

Once again, the question arises:
And where could the origin in these traits lie?
Here is a quick video displaying characteristics of a population known to be high in rh negative blood:

You can also look at the faces of Basque women:

And compare to the faces of rh negative women:

Do you see similarities?
In order to get us closer to determining answers, here are some images previously highlighted where I have compared physical traits of Neanderthals to those which many of you have brought to my attention in terms of possibly being characteristics more frequent in rh negative individuals than in rh positive ones:

The headshape of the Neanderthals is interesting and I cannot help comparing it to the Basque people who have the highest percentage of rh negatives in Europe and are often called “the first Europeans”.

I cannot help but noticing similarities.

Can you?
As there is a chance that Basque origin might lie in the ancient Sumerians, it would be interesting to get an idea over what their physical appearance was. But so far, we can only go by ancient statues.

And then the question arises if it could be that a cleft chin for example is a result of Neanderthals with weak chins and other humanoids with strong chins mixing.

And whether or not those with cleft chins are also more likely to carry characteristics of the head in the skeleton image.

Have you noticed how a lot of men with cleft chin have an “oval type of face”? It could also indicate a face being sort of a mix between a Neanderthal type of face rounding down towards the bottom and the “regular” homo sapiens type of face, more square.

And if there are blood type frequencies amongst individuals carrying those traits: Which do stand out?

But let’s get back to this later and look at body types for a second.

Do you notice anything in the Neanderthal skeleton which resembles you more?
How about your hands?

Or your feet?
There is a thing called “the Celtic toe” or Morton’s toe.

Which looks something like this in an x-ray:

Could this also be a trait we have inherited from the Neanderthals?
Let’s see:

Here are some other types of feet:

Which one resembles your the most?

If indeed physical characteristics are similar to those of Neanderthals, it would not be too far fetched to also look at traits such as potential origin of allergies which could have something to do when consuming items such as peanuts which our ancestors outside of continental America were not familiar with.
And now there are more studies suggesting that Neanderthals may have been responsible for some of the allergic tendencies within us:
Suffer from allergies? Blame Neanderthals! Genes inherited from our ancient human relatives made our immune systems ‘oversensitive’
And also potential psychological traits.

Did Neanderthals display more empathy?
Did they raise children in a unique way?
Which role did the women play and were they considered equals to men?
Were the Neanderthals actually very sensitive individuals?
This brings us back to whether or not Neanderthals should truly be considered extinct as their DNA continues within us clearly indicating interbreeding. More or less they “vanished into what is us”. But the number of Neanderthal DNA present might have been greatly reduced as there are strong indications of issues in terms of the ability of a Neanderthal man being able to get a Homo sapiens female pregnant.
And if indeed Neanderthals were rh negative, it would mean that the females pregnant by Homo sapiens could have had issues conceiving as well. And then there is also a big chance that male offspring could have been born sterile further explaining the low percentage of Neanderthal DNA remaining in us.

The Neanderthal counterpart of the human Y chromosome, or male sex chromosome, appears to have died out. Why this happened is up for debate.

(More here: Y chromosome genes from Neanderthals likely extinct in modern men)

Genetic incompatibility may have caused miscarriages

This may have had serious consequences for the offspring of Neanderthal and modern human interbreeding; a male foetus could have sensitised his mother’s immune system so any subsequent male offspring would be at greatly increased risk of being miscarried.

What types of foods did the Neanderthals consume and would it be wise for those with a high percentage of Neanderthal DNA to let this knowledge guide us in our daily consumption patterns?

And there is one more physical characteristic:

How did Neanderthals wind up with one huge arm and one punier one? Experts once thought spear thrusting produced the disparity, but new research points to a much more astonishing cause.

(More here: Big Neanderthal Arms Caused by Making Clothes, Study Suggests)

See also:

How there’s a bit of Neanderthal in all of us: DNA link to cavemen revealed

And for those of you interested in Basque life and culture, here is a video which you might like: