The Rh Negative Blog

Rh Negative Cookbook

I am extremely happy with the new batch of Rh negative members giving a fresh perspective on things. This has been 10 years in the making and it’s finally paying off. I am talking about my Rh negative GROUP on Facebook: One I have given up on in the past but thank to my moderators who kept it going while I was absent for 6 months, I have recognized just how free-thinking we are born to be and that I cannot do this on my own.

Thank you to all who have supported me. I will actively keep that in the forefront of my mind from now on and also apologize to those who in the past contributed without me giving proper credit.

I need all of you to give some advice when it comes to eating healthy. I understand in some countries it is much harder than in others. I am currently in Thailand where it (still) is not that difficult, but feel for my friends and family in the U.S. where it is a lot less easy.

Seafood is and always has been my favorite. As far back as I can recall, fish sticks was always on the top of my wish list. Fish stick with lemon of course.

Mashed potatoes came with it and I was cool with that. I always hated bread and as I realize now, bread is not food… it’s filler.

Salad with tomatoes, olives and vinegar as well. Don’t go for “dressings” as they are loaded with crap.

That is my own personal advice of the day and I hope all of you are going to post ONE (at least, but more is of course invited) favorite meal that you have which checked out as highly nutritious when you did some research.

From now on, in a flow of intuition, I will also share my inspirations for post. In this case, I thought about 2 things: Rice and beans in Costa Rica. Beans are very nutritious. Rice is natural. The carb overkill is not significant. In Asia: There is carb overkill. It isn’t healthy. My vote is for corn-“bread”. What say you?

Thank you in advance for your contribution.