Studies indicate higher risk of autism amongst children of rh negative mothers

In the past few years, the claim that rh negative women are more likely to have autistic children has come up again and again. But is there truth to this claim or is it merely a myth? One fairly new study shows that children born before 2001 are much more likely to have rh negative mothers. The potential reason behind it given: The Anti-D shot contained mercury until that time. There were significant and comparable increases in maternal Rh-negativity among children with NDs (Clinic: A=24.2%), autism spectrum disorders (Clinic: A=28.3%, B=25.3%), and attention-deficit-disorder/attention-deficit-hyperactivity-disorder (Clinic: A=26.3%) observed at both clinics in comparison to both control groups (Clinic: A=12.1%, B=13.9%) employed. Children with NDs born post-2001 had a maternal Rh-negativity frequency (13.6%) … Continue reading Studies indicate higher risk of autism amongst children of rh negative mothers