The Rh Negative Blog

The Neanderthal Diet II

This is not about weight loss which will likely occur as a result of following The Neanderthal Diet. Weight loss is not the best term, but rather normalization if weight exceeds the roam of health.

One thing that needs to take place is removal of manmade food items high in carbs.

This is not a joke. We are all overly carbohydrate consuming with the number one reason being financial. You go to a nice restaurant and order salmon and are bound to have it with something that isn’t food, but filler. Bread is not food and I don’t care how much you may praise certain types. Our ancestors consumed some natural items that were higher in carbs than other items and it is true, athletes like Michael Phelps do consume huge amounts of spaghetti and pizza.

If you spend 8 hours a day sitting in front of a computer and do minimal or no exercise, please don’t give me the “he does it, why not me” line.

Let’s get back to our ancestors: Did the Neanderthals consume potatoes?


In 1536, Spanish Conquistadors in Peru discovered the flavors of the potato and transported them to Europe. At first, the vegetable was not widely accepted. Sir Walter Raleigh introduced potatoes to Ireland in 1589, but it took nearly four decades for the potato to spread to the rest of Europe.

We learn everything wrong. We give our children candy just to have to expose them to pain fixing their teeth. Native Americans and Native Europeans (Neanderthals) likely didn’t know what a cavity was.

I agree that supplements may provide iron, calcium, B12 and are good to have near, but in reality, what needs to happen is a complete adjustment of diet plan for overall health.

Don’t you think so?