The Rh Negative Blog


Caller: Yeah, Bill, I just finished listening to a talk you gave, a seminar, tape titled “The Origin, Identity and Purpose of MJ-12” and I guess the gist of the entire tape was that the government is in collusion with extraterrestrial aliens

Bill Cooper: Nope, you’re… no, goodnight!

(Cooper hangs up)

He continues:

Boy, these guys are just trying it tonight, aren’t they?

That’s a lie what he just said, ladies and gentlemen.

The purpose of the lecture was to tell people what I saw in documents while I was a member of the Office of Naval Intelligence on the intelligence briefing team of the Commander in Chief of the Pacific Fleet It’s all in my book, every bit of it. It doesn’t work, folks. My book was written during the 80s. It was published December of 1990. If you read conclusion number 5 at the end of the chapter on UFOs, it says clearly that I believe that the whole UFOOLogy movement is the biggest hoax ever created to propagate an artificial alien threat to this earth to facilitate the formation of one world government. I’m not a UFOOLogist. I don’t belong to the Church of UFOOLogy. I have never known in my entire life whether aliens exist or not. I can tell you absolutely there is no proof in this entire world that there are any aliens anywhere in the universe, much less that they have ever visited this earth.