Was the world’s oldest person really her own daughter? II

Was World’s Oldest Lady A Case of Identity Theft? Jeanne Calment was the oldest living person in the world until she died in 1997.  Or was she? Recently, a Russian mathematician cast doubt on her claim and believes it might have been an imposter. Nikolai Zak, released a report on an investigation where he believes that Jeanne Calment was actually a case of identity theft.  He alleges that she was in fact not the oldest woman in the world but an imposter of 99 years of age.  His full report can be read here – The Oldest Imposter. Jeanne Clement pictured on her 120th birthday Was it Jeanne or Her Daughter? A French woman, Jeanne Clement purportedly lived to a ripe old aged … Continue reading Was the world’s oldest person really her own daughter? II