The Rh Negative Blog

What is Electromagnetic hypersensitivity?

Are you highly sensitive?


Conclusion: Our results from CBMN assay have shown radiosensitivity in the left handed is higher than right handed women but more attempts need to prove this hypothesis.

Since the birth of this article, I have been searching for more material that relates to connected interests. There is not much out there and what there is is often not sufficient enough to share. Please scroll to the bottom of the post to see studies of EMS in relations to Rh factor, left-handedness and more.

Here is the original post:

Due to a recent comment on this blog, I have decided to take a quick look if there is anything that I have previously missed. Apparently, Electromagnetic hypersensitivity is considered a Pseudomedical diagnosis.
According to Wikipedia:

Electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS) is a claimed sensitivity to electromagnetic fields, to which negative symptoms are attributed. EHS has no scientific basis and is not a recognised medical diagnosis. Claims are characterized by a “variety of non-specific symptoms, which afflicted individuals attribute to exposure to electromagnetic fields”.

And also:

There are no specific symptoms associated with claims of EHS and reported symptoms range widely between individuals. They include headache, fatigue, stress, sleep disturbances, skin prickling, burning sensations and rashes, pain and ache in muscles and many other health problems. In severe cases such symptoms can be a real and sometimes disabling problem for the affected person, causing psychological distress. There is no scientific basis to link such symptoms to electromagnetic field exposure.

Taking a quick look at Quora for additional thoughts on it, a medical professional’s answer to Is electromagnetic hypersensitivity real? states:

There is no reason to believe that it is not so. Our nervous system is electrical.

I do have to agree with that line. Just because something has not yet been proven doesn’t mean it isn’t so. Even though I do agree that there are definitely hypochondriacs out there imagining things.

Could it be that rh negative individuals are more likely to suffer from Electromagnetic hypersensitivity?

As always your thoughts are appreciated.

Here is above promised material:

Radiosensitivity is an inherent trait, associated with a raised reaction to ionizing radiation on the human body. In radiotherapy and radiation protection fields, individualization of the patient’s treatment is one of the main topics. With the goal of determining biomarkers capable of anticipating normal tissue side reactions, we studied the association between the Rh factor and radiosensitivity.

Many biological factors affect radiosensitivity. In this study, radiosensitivity among the different blood groups was investigated. Peripheral blood sample of 95 healthy people were divided into two parts. One part was irradiated with 2 Gy Co-60 gamma rays and the second one was considered as control. Then all the samples were studied by cytokinesis-blocked micronucleus assay (CBMN assay). Our study showed that the radiosensitivity index of A+ and O+ groups was significantly higher and lower than other blood groups, respectively. It seems that blood type can be used as a radiosensitivity index for determining the given dose to radiotherapy, although extensive studies are necessary.