The Rh Negative Blog

What is rh negative blood?

When reading about rh negative traits, we often hear about the outside. This is about the inside.

What is rh negative blood?

There are around 39 blood group systems. One is the ABO blood group system. It determines if your blood type is O, A, B or AB. There is also the rh blood group system. It contains around 61 antigens. One of them is the D antigen. If you test negative for the presence of the D antigen, you are D negative. When you are D negative, you are considered rh negative.

Why is rh negative blood important?

Rh negative blood is especially important in pregnancies.

How many people worldwide have rh negative blood?

There are several countries where data is not available, but covering most of the world’s population, the overall percentage of rh negatives worldwide stands at around 6%. This number may go down as nations with missing data are expected to run below the worldwide average of 6% rh negatives.

Are there communities worldwide for rh negative people?

There are. Visit Rh Negative People on WhatsApp or RH Negative Communities Worldwide.

What makes rh negative people unique?

The research is ongoing. An update can be seen here:

Are blood types and personality traits connected?

Make up your own mind. Here is evidence:

Are rh negatives better off dating/marrying other rh negatives?

Aside from the personality compatibility, it is a positive thing for two rh negatives to start a family, as two rh negatives can only produce an rh negative child and the mother will not run the risk of rh incompatibility with her fetus.

There are still more questions than answers, but if you are searching as we do, feel free to share your latest discoveries. Leave a comment on this blog or meet us on Facebook if you wish to connect with other rh negatives.