The Rh Negative Blog

What should Rh negatives avoid?

Close up of a Doctor making a vaccination in the shoulder of patient, Flu Vaccination Injection on Arm, coronavirus, covid-19 vaccine disease preparing for human clinical trials vaccination shot.

What I (try to) avoid:

Standing in line

Sitting down for too long


Processed meat

Cheap alcohol

Air fresheners

Sunscreen lotion

Non organic shampoos

Non organic soap

Shaving cream (organic soap works)


After shave


Talking about things that don’t interest me

Doing things I am not interested in doing

Talking to people I am not interested in

Talking to people who are not interested in what I am not interested in

Cold weather

Reading anything that doesn’t get to the point

Long-winded movies

Long-winded people

People who want to be babied



Mainstream news

Too many carbohydrates


Deodorant (🍋 works well)

Chewing gum

Synthetic vitamins (energy drinks)

What did I forget?