The Rh Negative Blog

Why do so many rhesus negatives still believe that we come from aliens? II

I have made a small video to explain Why do so many rhesus negatives still believe that we come from aliens? further.

I have also made a post on explaining just how censorship works as I have experienced it when posting the original post on Facebook. I’m not a fan of complaining and complainers, but it was a definite shock to me to see the efforts taken to silence the opposition to the rhesus negative alien theory.

Censorship is growing out of control.

Maybe you are cool with being misrepresented. Maybe you’re not, but have accepted it as “one of those things”. But I feel obligated to warn all rhesus negatives that there is a collective interest in place to create an umbrella to place all of us under the stigma of crazy people who believe they are descendants of aliens. I have also learned that most rhesus negatives do not believe this, yet whenever you go online, you will get the impression that we are all behind it. Part of the reason is that the opposition is being silenced. The other is that the alien believers are the most vocal while the level-headed ones remain mostly silent. That is why I have decided to start posting about this. Are you willing to lend this your voice?

I will try my best to keep commenting open on YouTube this time, but cannot promise I will continue to do so. Of course, having an active commenting section will get more people to watch the video. The problem: YouTube is full of fake account which for whatever reason are time-wise able to post all day long. Again: YouTube doesn’t seem to make an effort to eliminate those, so I consider it important also to not give anyone the impression that out of 100 comments, 98 express a belief that rhesus negatives come from aliens. It is yet another example of how we have gotten here, because for all that I know, these 98 comments may all come from the same person.

I want to live in a world without any censorship where every person has the same one voice. Anything else is misleading. And when we are allowing anything other than real research to guide us, we also are in danger of falling into a dangerous trap where we will be bound to mislead the future generation of rhesus negatives who will grow up believing that being rhesus negative also means we should believe that our origin is not planet earth.

“Anyone with the requisite historical and psychological knowledge knows that circular symbols have played an important role in every age; in our own sphere of culture, for instance, they were not only soul symbols but ‘God-images.’ There is an old saying that ‘God is a circle whose centre is everywhere and the circumference nowhere.’ God in his omniscience, omnipotence, and omnipresence is a totality symbol par excellence, something round, complete, and perfect. Epiphanies of this sort are, in the tradition, often associated with fire and light. On the antique level, therefore, the Ufos could easily be conceived as ‘gods.’ They are impressive manifestations of totality whose simple, round form portrays the archetype of the self, which as we know from experience plays the chief role in uniting apparently irreconcilable opposites and is therefore best suited to compensate the split-mindedness of our age. It has a particularly important role to play among the other archetypes in that it is primarily the regulator and orderer of chaotic states, giving the personality the greatest possible unity and wholeness… The present world situation is calculated as never before to arouse expectations of a redeeming, supernatural event. If these expectations have not dared to show themselves in the open, this is simply because no one is deeply rooted enough in the tradition of earlier centuries to consider an intervention from heaven as a matter of course.”

– Carl Gustav Jung (1958)
“Flying Saucers: A Modern Myth”