The Rh Negative Blog

Why is the COVID-19 virus spreading differently by nation?

Remember this?

The claim is that heat over 26 degrees Celsius kills the virus when outside of its host.

India has a population of 1.5 Billion people and the nation is crowded.


As of 13 March, a total of 81 cases of Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) have been reported in India (64 Indian nationals and 17 foreign nationals)

In Thailand, 1 Million Chinese visitors came over the holidays and 20,000 of those were from Wuhan. Yet only 76 COVID-19 cases have been recorded in the nation.

Some have asked about Australia or Iran. Australia is hot, but what matters is not how hot it is outside, but where people meet. If they are meeting in cool supermarkets, work environments, the outside heat matters little.

Protect yourselves from those who practice risky behavior.

Strengthen your immune system.

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