The Rh Negative Blog

Yes, AI can predict your blood type!

Blood Types and personality traits: Major acceptance by mainstream media and society underway

As usual, most people are dismissive when presented with anything new yet not blessed as credible by an accepted authority.
Then, when a channel as CNN decides to tell everyone that there are credible findings (whether or not there are), suddenly everyone accepts it without evidence. Not only that:
Suddenly a major shift will take place where those expressing doubts are going to be demonized as ignorant.
For the past few years I have shared my findings and the latest shows that AI predicts blood types based on personality traits beyond what can be dismissed as by chance.
This societal process has more to do with repetition, be it a lie or the truth, than with actual findings as most do not read or pay attention to or research actual findings and studies, but allow someone they like to tell them what to accept as fact and what to dismiss as ridiculous.


Back in the days, Tesla was widely believed to be a “nut” while now it is fashionable to accept everything he ever said and he is being hailed a hero.
The same ones now hailing him in a mindless fashion would have also likely bought into the slanderous newspaper articles telling everyone how crazy he was back when he was alive.
I am often hesitant when it comes to publishing my own findings and much rather look for and share what others have published that is similar.
From what I have observed, about half of Rh negatives I have come across were at least open to blood types and personality traits being connected, the others not. Of course, then I go deeper and want to know if there are certain differences other than their stands on blood types and personality traits between the two groups and if you may recall, “are you on any medication?” has been a common question.
Intuition may be something you are born with, but living in fear of your own intuition and medicating yourself in any form can of course numb it.
“What would the world look like if Rh negative blood was extinct?” is equally important of a question as
“What would a society of only Rh negatives look like?”.
My personal answer to both: very different from what we see now as both, Rh- and Rh+ parts of society strongly influence and impact each other.

There are two recent posts of mine which seem to resonate very well with most of you and as I have pointed out before, those with blood type B negative tend to be the ones most sceptical of both and connections between blood types and personality traits.
Many of them are friends of mine, so I do not view their dismissal as a personal thing, nor do many of the others have a need to pretend to be in agreement. As a matter of fact, those closest to me tend to be in awe over accuracy when reading the personality traits of those sharing their own blood types without stating any final thought such as “you convinced me fully” or “this must be coincidence”.
Judgement without true conviction is dangerous and allows for brainwashers to control you in some ways.
Feeling a need to be protected by large numbers in agreement is encouraged by society, but I have also observed that after me starting my first Rh negative group, many Rh negatives have experienced very strong change in attitude towards others as the small number of other Rh negatives coming together and forming a small, but very powerful connection, need for societal acceptance lessens. Not only that, many
are lookiing back in horror at the old selves trying to adapt to what they know doesn’t fit.
I also predict that AI will create a lot of confusion among those not intuitive or without intuition activated.
Intuition is infinite and unpredictable, like the number Pi.
No pattern.
AI depends and searches for patterns.
Unless you make an active decision to accept or dismiss something, patterns cannot be detected as your mind will function in reaction to actual learning. How many times have you experienced the “door slam”? How many times did your intuition force you to change whom you hang with?
How many times did “enough is enough” enter your mind without planning?

So what about Rh negative blood types and personality traits?

So far, we have not seen studies and that’s where we come in.
Rather than waiting for mainstream media to tell us who we are, it is best for us to come together and recognize personality traits we share which we feel are absent in most people.
Mind you that before I begin, I need to stress that certain definitions of terms contradict each other and are in need of being defined without a need to praise or demonize them. Praising leads to (poor) copying and demonizing to more dismissiveness as well as young Rh negatives hiding their true feelings and thoughts. That became increasingly apparent to me via Reddit and Quora where a younger audience prefers to only like a post or agree in private rather than sharing thoughts in comment sections. “No one wants to be thought of as crazy” is a common explanation. Don’t worry: soon, not only will your thoughts be accepted, but also demanded as society loves to look at past behavior of ancestors as primitive wanting to look more advanced. Then, of course, competition will kick in where people will talk about why their blood types are better than others. Whenever someone accuses us of “wanting to be special”, I immediately know they have a need to be and don’t feel as special as they want to. My generation is the generation of need and neglect. Our generation is the one where both parents worked and struggled even more to pay off credit and time for children diminished. The need for acceptance and being told what they want to hear continues in their 50s if the need has not been sufficiently met. That is why they are so easily propagandized and defensive of opinions among their newfound families, be it fellow CNN watchers or small groups they joined to fill past voids.

Those with heightened senses such as intuition may feel similar needs, but also be unable to submerge completely and always know something is wrong with much of what they have become a part of representing.

I have seen many Rh negatives join Rh negative conversations just to share their comments about nothing being unique about Rh negative blood. Uniqueness and “being special” are two different things and the former lacks judgement. Why are you in those conversations and what draws you in?

Empathy is one term with various definitions and the simple one seems best: feeling what others feel.
Not putting yourself in someone else’s shoes or tryint to put yourself in someone else’s shoes as both take effort.
Empathy is intuitive only. It takes no effort. It just happens. You cannot help it.
You also cannot turn it off. You can try to ignore it with much success and numb yourself in many ways, but all the good in life gets lost along the way. Empathy is not about being better or worse. It just is. It can turn into sociopathy if certain aspects in life push it into such direction potentially. Just as you cannot become and empath, you cannot lose empathy. You can maybe turn into a “dark empath” if you will, though I do have issues with such labels as once again, they are usually created by those hiding behind them wanting someone else to express part of who they are in fear of being open with others.

Intuition is something I have mentioned hundreds of times and just as with other senses, it seems heightened in Rh negatives.
Unfortunately, Myers-Briggs is the best we have at the moment and the second letter is N or S. N for intuition, S for “sensing” which I consider to be the wrong term for what it attempts to define.

Whenever I asked in our Rh negative group, almost ALL Rh negatives turned out to be N while in the general population only around 20% are N and 80% S. Coincindence? Sure, there isn’t much that dismissive attitudes cannot convince self and others of. Openly sharing religious affiliations is easy when there is strength in numbers, but being brave enough to tell us who you are different.

Being Rh- leaves me in the quest to find out more of who we are and why. It has nothing to do with “wanting to feel special”. Calling ourselves starseeds however leeds me to conclude that there are indeed many Rh negatives who come here because they want to feel special. Again, much has likely to do with our generation of need and neglect. Escaping into a dreamworld isn’t a solution. It is much rather a confession that you yourself have given up on embracing and finding out who you truly are and in your defeat you are tryint to take the rest of us down with you by inviting the “crazy” label. “We are the crazy ones” is one of the statements irking me, but I cannot ignore my own intuition and become dismissive towards my own sensing of what is behind that: conditioning by society leading to you looking at yourselves through the eyes of others rather than just being without judgement towards yourselves and/or others.

I have added the source of where I found the above blood type personality descriptions though on that site it is stated that they are not the creators and supposedly don’t remember where they found it.

This is from a 2021 study showing AI predicting blood types based on personality traits beyond what can be explained as by chance.

Combined, blood type personality traits look something like this:

Blood Type O

Type O’s most often described themselves in ways related to the following characteristics; responsible, decisive, organized, objective, rule-conscious, and practical. Both male and female Type O’s reported a higher percentage of the mesomorphic body type when compared to controls. Interestingly, Type O’s also scored significantly higher than the rest in “sensing” – using the 5 senses to gather information, and in the sensing-thinking combination, indicating that they are more detail and fact oriented, logical, precise and orderly.

Purpose oriented. Head straight for a target. Great achievement power. However, do not endure meaninglessness. Give up early if no good. Weigh losses against gains correctly. Hold a belief. Articulate and logical, but somewhat straight. Simple minded in part. Emotions are usually stable and do not linger. Deeply moved. Lose heart when cornered.

Type O’s are the social butterflies. Often popular and self-confident, you are very creative and always seem to be the center of attention. You make a good impression on people and you’re often quite attractive. Organized and determined, your stubbornness will help you reach your goals. You make good leaders. Lovewise, O is most compatible with O and AB. Common career choices: banker, politician, gambler, minister, investment broker, and pro athlete. Blood Type O – Tend to be loners or leaders and are intuitive, focused, self-reliant and daring. They handle stress better than other blood types and have strong immune systems, a well developed physique and a physically active nature.

Blood Type A

Type As most often described themselves in ways related to the following characteristics: sensitive to the needs of others, good listeners, detail oriented, analytical, creative and inventive. Type As may seem calm on the outside, but inside, you’re filled with anxiety and worry. You’re perfectionists and often shy and sensitive. Usually introverted, you’re stable and thoughtful. You make good listeners and are sensitive to color and your surroundings. You like to be fashionable and are up on the latest trends, but never flashy or gaudy. You like romantic settings and often shun reality for fantasy worlds. A is most compatible with A and AB in the love department. Common career choices: accountant, librarian, economist, writer, computer programmer, and gossip columnist.

Cautious about new actions, also pursue stability, but sometimes obsessed and burst into a rage. Desire for molting. Always try to improve. Take a brave action in an emergency. Go step by step after convinced. Formula-like. Prudent judgement, although draw the clear line. Strongly suppressive outside vs violent inside. Recover slowly after got hurt. Concentrate on one at a time.

Blood Type A – Tend to be cooperative, sensitive, clever, passionate and smart. Often bottling up anxiety in order to get along with others, they may hold in their emotions until they explode. Many are tense, impatient and unable to sleep well. While they are capable of leadership positions, they may not take them because the stress is not good for their tightly wired systems.

Blood Type B

Blood Type B’s often described themselves in ways related to the following characteristics: subjective, easygoing, creative, original and flexible. In another study, Type B’s scored significantly higher on “intuiting,” indicating a preference or sixth sense information; and they scored high on the “intuiting/feeling” combination, indicating that they tend to be insightful, mystical, idealistic, creative, globally-oriented, people-oriented and good at imagining. They also reported that they learned best through listening, then reflecting on and interpreting what they had observed. Perhaps the nomadic life of the steppes contributed to long hours given over to talk as well as ample time for meditation and reflection. Type B’s can be very goal-oriented and often complete the ambitious tasks set before them. Outgoing and very charming, you’re good at reading people and providing support. Though critical of appearance (but not your own), you aren’t picky and are unlikely to dwell over the little things.

Look for a life with much freedom. Particularly dislike rules or formulas. Do not hesitate to take new actions. Tend to be absorbed in strongly interested things. Multitasking and go overboard. Quick and flexible judgements. Pragmatic and do not draw the line. Emphasize scientific accuracy and validity. Feelings sway, moody. Frankly express anger or sorrow.

Type Bs are impulsive individualists who often create their own path in life. You are very strong and optimistic. B is most compatible with B and AB lovers. Common career choices: cook, hairdresser, military leader, talk show host, and journalist. Blood type B individuals tend to be balanced: thoughtful like A’s and yet ambitious like O’s. They are empathetic, easily understanding others’ points of view, yet often hesitating to challenge or confront. Chameleon-like and flexible, they make good friends.

I would also like to add my own findings that from what I have observed, those with blood type B negative are least likely to accept a connection between blood types and personality traits. Now I am curious as to whether my B negative friends agree with this statement of mine.

Blood Type AB

Type AB often receives mixed messages about emotional health. While you tend to be drawn to other people and are friendly and trusting, there is a side of you that feels alienated from the larger community. At your best, you are intuitive and spiritual, with an ability to look beyond the rigid confines of society. You are passionate in your beliefs, but you also want to be liked by others and this can create conflicts. In an independent study, Type ABs described themselves as emotional, passionate, friendly, trusting and empathetic. Type ABs are considered some of the most interesting of the blood types, both John F. Kennedy and Marilyn Monroe were Type ABs and although both are long gone, they hold a place in our national psyche to this day. Not surprisingly, ABs can be quite dualistic, possessing both A and B traits. You may be shy and outgoing, and hesitant and confident. You often stand out from others, don’t like labels, and are nice and easy going. You are logical and determined to do things correctly. Usually trustworthy, you like to help others. You often speak in a serious manner. Your patience, concentration, and intelligence are admirable. AB can find a soul mate with any other blood type. Common career choices: bartender, lawyer, teacher, sales representative, and social worker.

Good reflexes, business-like efficiency. Quick and easy understanding. Rationality itself. Good critic and analyst, multi-angle interpretation. Duality with a calm, cool stable side and an easily disturbed side with sentimental fragility. Able to do everything accurately. Good at designing but not cleaning up. Smiling and soft, but keep a certain distance from others.

Blood Type AB – Tend to be very charming and popular. They don’t sweat the small stuff and can be seen as spiritual and even at times a bit “flaky”. Only about 2 – 5% of the population are blood type AB. There is never a dull moment in a AB’s life, so if you find one for a friend, consider yourself lucky! Youll enjoy some exciting times together! Sometimes it is difficult to be an AB. AB’s don’t like to fit in anyone else’s “boxes”. If they feel too confined, they’ll break out of that box and do things their own way.

To turn this chart into 8 rather than 4 blood type categories (with Rh factor + or -), I would add the same addition to each of the 4 above:

Rh negative individuals tend to be highly intuitive with senses in general heightened. Rh negatives tend to be empaths, but not by choice. Many wish, they were not burdened by their empathy. Rh negative individuals are born with an inner alert system when it comes to mental and physical health ranking high in allegies and also noticing when something isn’t right for them. Rh negatives react strongly to adrenaline and depend on the right settings to shine. We don’t believe we come from aliens, even if we pretend or wish to. We can turn to escapism, but are always aware that escapism is what we practice. We are drawn to nature. We don’t feel comfortable being a part of “the herd”. We have our own thoughts and while often hiding them seek those with whom we are comfortable exchanging those thoughts. We don’t judge, we want to KNOW more. We have low tolerance for lies and deception as we detect such easily. Not that we always know the real answers, but we read your vibes when you speak. We read intentions. We don’t “try to feel special”, but embrace a uniqueness we previously tried to hide from you. This should be labeled an Open Letter to all Rh Positive people. At least it may read as such. We don’t think along the lines of who is better or worse than anyone and don’t like labels. We are however aware of being in a world where such labels dominate and do our best to live our lives. We feel comfortable with each other, because we can relate and openly communicate with the intent of learning, not proving something. We like to be proven wrong and learn through that, but don’t like “opinions” which are beliefs without thought. Or limied, damped thought. Many Rh negatives reading this will agree and some be in awe of how it resonates, but never have the courage to share this post, even under the premise of “What do you guys think about this?”. That is about to change. You have the chance now to get in on the action early. Rh negatives are not “too sensitive” as such is a label created by those who lack intuition. How we come across is also deeply impacted by upbringing and whom we surround ourselves with. We can change completely due to negative impacts and also due to activating the “doorslam” where we realize the need and act upon the need to change whom we are around. Predispositions are what this is mainly about. You can also adapt the personality traits of a different blood type if that is the blood type of same sex parent, biological or adopted. All of the above stated is subject to flexible adjustment. We don’t like arguing about meaningless things that don’t lead to significant impact and solutions. Our intuition shows us which battles to pick, so when confronted with meaningless arguments, we do not run from them, we may distance ourselves to preserve our energies for when they will actually be needed.

At this point, I invite all of you to share your thoughts and share this post to see who among those you know may be dismissive and wanting to know more.

No man is an island. As usual, in order for me to learn more from many of you, I take the first step. Don’t let the ladder stop.

Please also be aware of two things:

1) The ABO blood type personality traits from both posts are share in full and unaltered. It doesn’t mean 100 percent agreement, but before consciously deciding to rewrite, I will wait for more input from you.

2) As I have mentioned before, there should be 16 categories, not 4 or 8 as Rh negative men and women not only differ in health, but personality traits in terms of how they are nurtured differently in society. As I have once suggested, blood type A may be better suited for women than men and blood type B better for men than women. Being Rh negative can also suit women better than men, but it all depends on the nurture and how early we learn how to maintain our impulses and gifts and understand our limits as well.

Many of you who grew up in a predominantly Rh positive family may also be more adjusted towards the world we live in and those whom a predominantly if not exclusively Rh negative (often O negative) family may be more true to your own nature but look at society as a whole from more of a distance.

Thank you all for reading. I am looking forward to the comments from you as well as new readers you are sharing this post with.

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