The Rh Negative Blog

How Healthy Is Your Blood Type?

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The following compilation of data has been backed by scientific studies.

  • Please note:
    Some of the studies involve a small amount of subjects being examined, so draw your own conclusions knowing that there is a lot more research needed to be done.

  • How Healthy Is Your Blood Type?

    People with Blood Type O


    The latest research into blood types shows that having group O blood can lower your risk of heart attacks.
    People with blood type O negative also have the lowest risk of developing diabetes.


    A study of more than 560 women undertaking fertility treatment found that those with blood type O were up to twice as likely to have a lower egg count and poorer egg quality, which could affect the chances of conceiving.

    People with group O have a greater risk of peptic ulcers.

    Type O people may be more vulnerable to a bacterium that can cause peptic ulcers, Helicobacter pylori.

    There are also reports that statistically speaking people with blood types O and B are more likely to get murdered than people with blood types A and AB.

    People with Blood Type A


    Women with blood group A seemed to be better protected against their egg counts falling over time.


    Because certain blood types are more likely to co-occur with varying levels of hormones in the body, physicians commonly tailor their exercise recommendations to the patient’s type. People with type A blood, for example, are more likely to have higher levels of cortisol, the stress hormone, in their body. So, stress-reducing exercises, like Tai Chi and yoga, may be more beneficial at cutting that tension than running or weightlifting alone.

    When the adrenal gland dumps more and more cortisol into the blood, people’s stress response grows more acute. People with type A blood may find themselves getting anxious more quickly and having a harder time letting troubles roll off their back.

    In a study of OCD sufferers done in 1983, Blood Type A was shown to be associated with a higher incidence of OCD over other types, in addition to a higher incidence of hysteria.

    People with Blood Type B


    Lower risk for diseases listed that people with other ABO blood groups are most prone to.


    A study at Harvard University found that women with AB or B group blood have a raised risk of developing ovarian cancer.

    Other research has found that people with type AB and B blood have a much higher risk of developing pancreatic cancer.

    There are also reports that statistically speaking people with blood types O and B are more likely to get murdered than people with blood types A and AB.

    People with blood type B positive run the highest risk of developing diabetes.

    People with Blood Type AB


    Lower risk for diseases listed that people with other ABO blood groups are most prone to.


    A study at Harvard University found that women with AB or B group blood have a raised risk of developing ovarian cancer.

    Other research has found that people with type AB and B blood have a much higher risk of developing pancreatic cancer.

    There are also fears that AB blood may double or even treble the risk of pregnant mothers suffering from the potentially lethal blood pressure condition pre-eclampsia.

    A 2012 study from Harvard University found people with non-O blood also happen to have an increased risk for cardiovascular disease. But those with type AB blood were the most at-risk overall, demonstrating a 23 percent greater chance of suffering from heart disease than type O subjects.

    A recent study found people with type AB blood were 82 percent more likely to experience difficulties with memory recall, language, and attention than people with other types.

    People with Rhesus Negative Blood Factor


    Less likely to predisposition to chikungunya

    Higher protection against HIV/AIDS


    Stronger tendencies for allergies

    See also: Blood Types and Mental Health