The Rh Negative Blog

Which Diet is Perfect for People with an Rh- Blood Type?

The quality of this old video of mine is horrible. However, what I am saying is on point. If I may say so myself.

Are you happy with the way you eat?

I am not asking about your weight or looks, but rather:

How do you feel?

If you feel well, then maybe you make good choices when it comes to eating.

Or: You simply listen to your body.

You see:

If you eat fresh and natural food items, listening to your cravings can be useful.

Items with artificial flavors mislead.

Your body can be fooled just like your mind via advertising.

In general:

People eat far too many carbs. Unless you are an athlete, chances are you are over-carbing and the reason is simple:


High-carb products tend to be cheaper and when you go to a restaurant, it is cost-cutting to the business to serve you plates with a little bit of meat and a lot of carb products such as bread, pasta, pizza, noodles, fries etc. Of course, since your body wouldn’t likely crave such items, they are served with a nice sauce… full of artificial flavors.

In other words: Your body doesn’t get much of a benefit.

Throughout the ages, the kings and priests are well while the working crowd consumed food that enabled them to last throughout the workday, without meeting the proper nutrition requirements.

I have read from many of you that multivitamins have “saved your life” and I have taken them before as well and felt much better. BUT… that doesn’t make your overall diet better. We can only read up on what is known, but there is plenty that isn’t known. However… NATURE KNOWS.

So what is missing from multivitamins?

I don’t know and don’t need to.

When you fill your fridge with fresh and natural, it may get more expensive, but what better things can money be spent on that food for you and your family?

I am not a doctor and this is not to be mistaken as advice, only information and personal experience.