Basque Mythology: The Basajuan

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In Basque mythology, Basajaun is a huge, hairy hominid dwelling in the woods. They were thought to build megaliths, protect flocks of livestock, and teach skills such as agriculture and ironworking to humans. They were said to inhabit the forests of Gorbea and Irati.

Cryptozoology. The Basajuan a cousin of Bigfoot or a living Neanderthal? Cryptid hominids are something I like to cover here on the channel especially when I find one that is lesser known. It would seem no matter where we find stories of these wild men they have more in common with one another then they do differences. This is the case with the cryptid featured in this video. The appearance is that of a typical Wildman but there are a few small but crucial differences. Let’s take a look at the Spanish Bigfoot.

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