What about the alien theory?

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Due to a bombardment of belief-driven comments, commenting on this post has now been disabled. Please note that this is not a blog to promote theories.

Once again, here is the original post:

If we were to find a brand new gene previously unseen, one may ask “Where did it come from?”

In the case of Rh negative blood, we are not dealing with something new.

We are dealing with the absence of something very present in most of the human populations:

The D antigen of the Rh blood group system.

This gene deletion took place in at least one of our ancestors. Gene deletions are common, cystic fibrosis for example being the result of several.

It is also possible that blood type O wasn’t first, but rather being a result of the A and/or B antigen being deleted.

Continue here:

RHD Gene Deletion Occurred in the Rhesus Box

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  1. Jacquelyn M Foster June 4, 2020