7 Rhesus Negative Myths Easily Disproven

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Is it just me or do you get offended when you read complete fabrications about rhesus negative people?
While some people are spending their days doing real research, others are on You Tube creating false claims sidetracking people and making the issues rhesus negative people have in everyday life seem rediculous.
Here are a few rhesus negative myths that I myself have examined and disproven on this blog in hope that this will enable some of you to skip the cheap entertainment and focus on things that may lead you to understanding who you truly are:

1) Rhesus Negative Blood Is Copper Based
2) Rhesus Negative People Have Blue Blood
3) Rhesus Negative Blood Comes From The Neanderthals
4) Rhesus Negative Blood Cannot Be Cloned
5) Jesus Was Rhesus Negative
6) Rhesus Negative Blood Comes From Aliens
7) Rhesus Negatives Are Reptilians

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Why are rh negative people being subjected to so many rediculous claims?

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