12 Similarities between Rh(D) negative individuals and people with red hair

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On this blog, we have previously discussed differences between Rh(D) negative and Rh(D) positive people.

Many of them have also been shown to be common in people with red hair.

Here are 12:

1) Higher Sex Drive

Redheads have more sex

A University of Hamburg sex researcher found that women with red hair, whether they’re single or in a committed relationship, participate in substantially more sexual activity than other women.

2) Acidic Sweat

Acidic Sweat

Everyone has an ‘acid mantle,’ an acidic layer of film that that covers every bit of skin but is invisible to the eye. For redheads, this layer is a bit more acidic than it is for everyone else.

3) Wavy Hair

Wavy Hair

4) The Temper

The “doorslam”

Known as the #RhNegativeDoorslam or “red-headed temper”.

5) Freckles


6) Energy

The Vibe

Redheads and Rh(D) negatives tend to have the two extremes: Being very strong when we need to be, but also very sensitive.

This could also be connected to adrenaline.

7) Low tolerance for pain

Low tolerance for pain

Medical research is zeroing in on what makes redheads feel pain more acutely than the rest of us, why they’re more susceptible to developing melanoma and why they have more drug allergies.

8) We age well

Aging well

Ginger hair retains its natural pigment a lot longer than other shades, so there’s no need to panic about going grey. Red hair simply fades with age through a glorious spectrum of faded copper to rosy-blonde colours, then to silvery-white.

9) Sensitivity

Sensitivity in general

Ginger people can produce their own Vitamin D. But, as they can produce their own personal supply of the compound, this means that redheads are significantly less likely to develop rickets, a disease which weakens bones, or contract the lung disease tuberculosis, which can be fatal.

10) Allergies


11) Drug Allergies

Bad reaction to drugs

12) Being rare

Red hair in general is rarer, but reddish hair is more frequent

Redheads comprise just 1% to 2% of the population worldwide.

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  1. Jonathan McLeish-Abbs December 1, 2020
  2. Larry O'brien September 24, 2021
  3. Laura February 19, 2022

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