Can you smell the past?

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Questions of what my earliest memories are seem easily answered:

There is one specific one I recall from when I was 2 years old.

I am not exactly sure how old I was from the event creating my second oldest memory.


There seems to be a very strong memory of smells that might date back even before or around the age of my first official memory, not associated with that particular event.

Also certain tastes.

Synesthesia is when you hear music, but you see shapes. Or you hear a word or a name and instantly see a color. Synesthesia is a fancy name for when you experience one of your senses through another. For example, you might hear the name “Alex” and see green.

Source: WebMD

Synesthesia relates to earliest memories, or rather: first memories or first impactful memories.

For example:

I speak a few languages and many of the words I learned as an adult which allows me to clearly recognize that when I speak Spanish for example, it activates a ton of memories associated with sight, smell, sounds etc. of my surroundings as well as the situations, events and experiences I found myself in when picking them up.

As a “highly sensing” individual, those experiences might stand out and resonate stronger.

Of course, when we go way back in time, you may, for example smell the awful smell of a baby’s dirty diaper and see the color red in front of you.

Years later, you see a picture of your room when you were 2 years old or less and sure enough… the wall of that room is red.

A lot of people love seeming mysterious by listing whatever “they have”.

The truth is simple and avoids confusion.

Confusion gets created.

“Satan is the author of confusion” according to the Bible.

It doesn’t have to be a foreign language, but can be in the only language you know leaving memories surrounding events of first learning words impacting you.

You see the old sandbox in front of you, smell the flowers coming up around it, see light blue as the sky was of that color.

I will leave you with yet another example using the same nasty smell of a used diaper:

I was around 3 and the awful smell from another child actively reminded me of an event that happened before I was 2.

So the activation of certain senses takes us way back to before we formed memories as actively as we later would… yet that doesn’t mean they were less impactful.

From before we are born, our senses guide us.

My daughter knew who I was when I first spoke to her after her birth.

From there, it was just the ongoing journey.

A lot of people are addicted to finding reason they are special and will want to replace simplicity and education with boxes. Some actually will argue you and state “No, you don’t have synesthesia, I do!” and such.

Allow yourself to revisit YOUR life without the sound of others telling you what your life is and has been.

I recently found 2 earliest childhood friends I knew between the ages of 2 and 5 and found them immediately though since then, nobody reminded me of their names.


Their names were among the first words I learned writing.

So, when someone asks me what my earliest memory is, I continue mentioning from the age of 2.

However, I also mention that my senses take me back to way before that.

Are you Rh-?

What was the first impact on you that you have been taken back to?

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