Does Rh-blood come from Cro-Magnons?

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This claim is spread yet I have yet to see a single study supporting it.

Cro-Magnons were also not a species.

They were likely hybrids in which case I always go back to the species included in their genetic ancestries looking for the ones in which Rh negative blood was most frequent.

I do the same with any nation or population where different genetic ancestries came together to figure which may be responsible for Rh- blood being frequent.

I cannot really understand the reason for the popularity of this theory and why so many mindlessly spread what borderlines propaganda unless they do not want to be associated with Neanderthal ancestry.

Neanderthals were likely more advanced than any humanoids during their time on earth.

They were overpowered because they lived in small communities, so when homo erectus invaded with large numbers of males, their male populations were easily killed off and females mates with.

Despite Neanderthal DNA present in us, no Y-DNA (male line) in existence can be traced back to the Neanderthals.

Neanderthals were not evolutionarily inferior.

They were outnumbered and taken by surprise.

Does this open your mind a little bit?

You can always go back to following a belief.

Even if Cro-Magnons (once properly identified which hasn’t really been done) turn out to have had significant frequencies of Rh- blood among them, the question will still remain which species are responsible for it.

I get tons of theories thrown at me without a single study attached.

I will continue to back up all of my conclusions and question everything I read, privately and on the blog and now X.

If you wish to make me happy, send me a study I haven’t seen, but spare me the overload of unsubstantiated speculations.

They are getting old and only sidetrack me from doing actual research.

– Mike Dammann

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