Eat fresh, eat natural, listen to your cravings

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Rh(D) negative individuals are not “unhealthy people”, but unhealthy conditions impact us more. Under the right and ideal conditions, our health is likely to thrive and possibly show advantages towards those carrying the rh(D) protein.

That is why it is of essence for us to consume what doesn’t create toxic tension.

Other than a higher lactose tolerance, rh negatives appear to test worst for allergic reactions to food items.
Remember that what this is all about is health, not cosmetics.

“What diet is right for rh negatives” is one of the most frequent questions I get. I am no fan of any plan. Diet plan that is. Everyone is different and if you think a blood type encompasses all traits of all who carry it, you are an idiot.

Many factors play in, genetic ones. What you eat, is what you became. This is part genetic memory, part epigenetics, part everything.

You are to rely on your body as it doesn’t lie. What you crave is what you need… as long as it’s

  1. fresh
  2. natural

That means: If you allow artificial flavors to trick you, it is not your body speaking, as your body wants you to buy something real.

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