How and why should Rh negatives detox regularly?

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Detox Meal: Salmon Avocado Spinach Sandwich w/Lemon Juice or Water

Vitamin C helps!

So does Magnesium:

How about a Salmon Avocado Spinach Sandwich w/Lemon Juice or Water?

Salmon Avocado Spinach Rye Sandwich

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Rh proteins act as gas channels that help speed the transfer of carbon dioxide (CO2) in and out of red blood cells. CO2 can also pass through the cell membrane unaided (above right), but not quickly enough, said UC Berkeley researchers.

… and:

Kustu noted that scientists had long doubted the presence of protein channels for CO2 or any gases. This is because gases typically have no trouble crossing cell membranes unaided, so it was not suspected that the Rh protein would play such a role.
But among gases, carbon dioxide (CO2) and ammonia (NH3) are exceptional, the researchers explained. They both dissolve readily in water, which can slow their passage across oily membranes.
Recent evidence indicates that ammonium/methylammonium transporter (Amt) proteins act as gas channels for NH3. Unlike active transporters, channels allow multiple molecules of gas to move through at the same time, an important distinction for gases that need to move across membranes quickly.
Until a few years ago, scientists thought that Amt handled the charged ion for ammonia (NH4+), which is the major form found in water. They also believed Amt was an active transporter and used energy to move the ion molecules in or out of cells against a gradient.
Notably, Rh and Amt proteins are more closely related to each other than any other proteins. Because of this, many scientists have suggested that Rh proteins also function as active transporters for charged ammonium ions.
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