Is this true? 6

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Rh negative people feel pain more strongly

That may be the case, but what about the tolerance of pain regardless of being able to feel it?

O negatives are being tracked

Are the blood banks harassing you? Here might be why:

Anastasia was Rh negative

First of all, she didn’t survive. Secondly…

Rh negatives tend to avoid grey areas

I have mentioned before that it seems very obvious to me, that Rh negative people have a hard time settling. This can be in profession, relationship and friendships. Do you cringe when you read headlines such as “Chicago woman killed by best friend, Police says”? How do people continue referring to someone as friend after that? Maybe it has something to do with this:

Nobody knows where Rh negative blood came from

Rh negative blood did not come from somewhere. Rh positive blood went somewhere. In at least one of our ancestors, the D antigen from the Rh blood group system was deleted. Being Rh(D) negative points to the absence of the D antigen, not the presence of a new gene.

Rh negatives tend to have sensitive stomachs

I do. Many other Rh negatives have pointed out the same to me. However, there is no study I am aware of as of yet showing such conditions and blood types of patients.

Rh negative people hate arguing

I think that we are not likely to engage in meaningless and pointless arguments or simply vent. We are great at arguing when there is a time for it. Anything meaningless and a festival of bad energies will likely be avoided by an Rh negative without an active decision needed… your intuition will lead you out of there quickly.

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