Rh Negative Voices: Julie Owen

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Julie Owen is A negative.

Here is her interview (Julie’s answers in bold):

1) When did you find out that you are rh- and how did it impact your life?

I think I was about 15. Didn’t really have an impact until I was 16 when I filled an organ donor card in and then I wanted to give blood as I had rare blood. Not had an impact medically as I have not had children or transfusion etc.

2) What do you think about the various theories regarding our origin?

I remember when I had my first computer and googling and read all the alien theories. That’s is all that was out there then. Realised after joining your group that they are all wrong. I would most likely believe it is an evolutionary change to combat something but not sure what.

3) If you had a message for all rh negatives worldwide, what would it be?

Teach others but never preach.

4) How have you felt different in your life? Or have you?

Always felt different but doesn’t everyone?

5) Do you think the world will become better or worse for rh negatives to live in?

It will get worse if we decline

6) Where in the world and when in your life have you been the happiest?

I was quite happy when I was about 30. I have always felt comfortable in Wales

7) What do you think rh negative people need in their lives to be happy?

A balanced diet and people they can be themselves with.

Thank you, Julie, for your voice!

As with all interviews conducted by us, all answers are freely given by our interviewees and our views do not necessarily reflect theirs!

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