Synchronicity is the movie – intuition the script

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Whenever in the past I brought up my own experiences with synchronicity, the experience of talking about it could be one extreme or the other.

With other Rh negatives, it tended to flow though many were not as willing as me to open up about such experiences.

Those who were, tended to allow me to elevate the game to a whole new level allowing me to verbalize what I thought only I could have experienced due to the silence of the masses… including the silence of other Rh negatives.

Now we understand the sources of silence and how they actually differ.

Some have had very strong and unique experiences considered too personal to share (I understand).

Others, however, haven’t experienced a thing, but guess what:

Just as they don’t want to be the only ones who experienced something (fear), they also do NOT want to be the only ones not to have experienced something.

Similar to empathy and other such topics.

“Of course I am an empath” and other “self-describing” claims.

In other words:

Those without agenda I speak with and allow to help guide me in my research.

Intuition and synchronicity are two related concepts that often intersect in people’s experiences.

Intuition refers to a deep-seated, instinctive understanding or knowing that is not based on conscious reasoning or logical deduction. It is often described as a gut feeling, a hunch, or an inner knowing. Intuition can arise spontaneously, providing insights or guidance that may not be immediately apparent through rational thinking.

Synchronicity, as mentioned earlier, involves meaningful coincidences that appear to be connected in a significant way, even without a clear causal relationship. These events often seem to align with an individual’s thoughts, emotions, or circumstances, creating a sense of meaningful pattern or guidance.

The connection between intuition and synchronicity lies in the way they both involve a heightened awareness of subtle connections and patterns in the world. Intuition can act as a catalyst for recognizing and perceiving synchronistic events. When individuals are in touch with their intuition, they may be more attuned to the meaningful coincidences happening around them and more likely to recognize the significance of these events.

Synchronicity, in turn, can reinforce and validate one’s intuitive insights. When a synchronistic event occurs, it can serve as external confirmation or affirmation of the intuitive guidance or inner knowing an individual may have been experiencing. This can strengthen their trust in their intuition and encourage them to further rely on their inner wisdom.

It is important to note that while intuition and synchronicity can be interconnected, they are distinct phenomena. Intuition is an internal process, arising from one’s own intuitive abilities, while synchronicity involves external events that appear to have a meaningful connection. Together, they can contribute to a deeper sense of interconnectedness and provide individuals with guidance and insight in their lives.

Do you see what I’m getting at?

My TWO major thoughts on how intuition and synchronicities connect:

  1. Intuition is required to lead us down the path where synchronicities are awaiting us
  2. Intuition is required for us to recognize synchronicities to have taken place

I also have to admit that many times I just write down titles without editing at all which later turn out to be the best ones.


Intuition and feelings are related but distinct aspects of human experience. Here’s how they differ:

Intuition: Intuition is a form of knowledge or understanding that arises spontaneously and without conscious reasoning. It is often described as a “gut feeling” or an inner knowing. Intuition can provide insights, guidance, or a sense of certainty about a situation, person, or decision, even in the absence of explicit evidence or logical reasoning. It operates beyond conscious thought and can involve subtle perceptions, patterns, or connections that are not immediately apparent. Intuition is typically associated with a sense of certainty or confidence in the information it provides.

Feelings: Feelings refer to the subjective emotional experiences and states that individuals have in response to various stimuli or situations. They encompass a broad range of emotions, such as joy, sadness, anger, fear, love, and so on. Feelings are subjective and can arise from internal thoughts, external events, or physiological changes in the body. They can be influenced by personal beliefs, past experiences, cultural factors, and individual temperament. Feelings are often accompanied by bodily sensations and can vary in intensity and duration.

While intuition and feelings are distinct, they can influence each other. Intuition can sometimes be accompanied by a sense of positive or negative feeling, such as a feeling of rightness or unease. Conversely, feelings can also inform or influence intuitive judgments and decisions. For example, a person might have a feeling of discomfort about a particular situation, which may prompt them to trust their intuition and make a different choice.

In summary, intuition involves a spontaneous knowing or understanding beyond conscious reasoning, while feelings encompass the range of emotional experiences individuals have in response to various stimuli or situations. Intuition can sometimes be accompanied by feelings, and feelings can influence intuitive judgments, but they are separate aspects of human experience.

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