What is special about Rh- blood?

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I get this question quite a bit, and of course: There is high discomfort having seen both sides of the audience:

  1. those who want only positive news about rh negatives and get angry when I include sociopaths such as OJ, Manson and Bundy on my list of Rh Negative Celebrities
  2. the ones who accuse me of “bloodism”

Needless to say, if you have read on my blog, you will realize that I am very comfortable being rh negatives… so much so, it doesn’t bother me one bit seeing many of the “famous sociopaths” being rh negative.

Much rather than being an angry sheep, I have decided to research certain predispositions and how they might lead towards an intuitive rh negative empath turning into a sociopaths when childhood trauma triggers that side of them.

Those who came to me with this questions likely didn’t look for this type of answer, but there are things I wanted to get out of the way before I continue.

The topic of Rh incompatibility in pregnancies is, of course a big one and in short: When an Rh- woman is pregnant with an Rh+ fetus, her already developed antibodies will attack the fetus.

I have started Dating by Blood Type to give Rh- women the opportunity to find an Rh- partner (for free).

When you are Rh- and your partner is also Rh-, the baby can only be Rh-:

Blood Type Calculator

After 10 years of doing this, I finally felt brave enough to publish my list of 100 traits based on what stands out in terms of characteristics not common, but more common in Rh negative than general public.

I am completely flexible when it comes to feedback and more than anything, I encourage you to go straight to the comment section as there are many pearls.

The origin of Rh- blood is of great interest to me as well.

How societies high in Rh- blood operated in ancient days as well.

If you wish to know more about Rh- blood and people, I highly encourage you to do your own research.

If this blog helps put you on the right track, my mission is validated.

Simply use the search function and enter a specific keyword.

Chances are, you will find something.

Be it a study, a reference, a summary of such or even a genuine comment from someone who did his/her research and was gracious enough to share it right here.

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