Where does your Rh negative blood REALLY come from?

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I will try my best to do better from now on:

What is the origin of Rh negative blood?

The origin goes back. Way back… maybe very far and maybe not that far. It is really a matter of which version you personally prefer and after placing both into perspective, deleting all confirmation bias within you and allowing yourself to see what your intuition is actually telling you.

I challenge ALL beliefs. It doesn’t matter every belief is wrong. Even beliefs born out of ignorance may actually get you towards somewhere… if you allow intuition to rule rather than words of others.

We are talking Rh negative blood in humans and humanoids for those of you not considering the 3 percent Neanderthal DNA within yourself human.

We are not talking greyhounds, apes etc. We are talking Rh negative blood that can be donated to you without you passing away. Let’s make and keep this clear once and for all.

Scientific researchers are getting things wrong more than you can probably imagine as their livelihood depends on deadlines and giving opinions they haven’t formed yet. There are also seductions of creating headlines and the need to give possible reasons for phenomena discovered without having examined and been able to get to such yet. In other words: The discussion section in medical and scientific publications is there for a reason, but not always a good one. The reason for the existence is in large part due to convincing editors who feel threatened by anything they cannot explain, so to keep them from rejecting something groundbreaking is to give them theories that get them to be able to pick the one they most like.

“Scientists say” is the dumbest line and whenever an article starts with that… do not base future thoughts on such article.

“Who are those scientists” said with Seinfeld’s voice “and why are they speaking for all science?”

I have read more nonsense in scientific magazines than in the few times I watched CNN.

Of course, I don’t watch CNN that much, but scientific publications are really not that much better.

Always look for the studies they reference, even if you have no time to read it all and even if there is terminology you are unfamiliar with. Oftentimes, purposely using language unknown to most keeps authors from being challenged. It is often cowardly as disconnecting the average person doesn’t allow contributions that could hold a significant key.

Of course, it is up to you to use Google to look up all terminology and if you are passionate about something, you probably have done so often.

So back to the original question:

It is easy to replace the lack of knowledge with a belief and whenever you express confusion, there are plenty of “believers” waiting for you to give up on your own mind and join them in their beliefs and hopes.

“We lack the monkey gene, so we must come from aliens”.

Ego. Anger. Hatred. All of that can come together and get you to buy into such nonsense.

“How do you know?” is the usual reply I get. I don’t. But I search. I REsearch. I keep revisiting all of the information I have and little by little I get closer to the real answers. I also don’t like confirmation bias. I like to be proven wrong. It can be a hard hit where you decide to hide from the world for 3 days, but when you return, you do so 10 times wiser.

My question is rather “where does Rh positive blood come from?” as all that had to happen was the the Rh antigen to be deleted, not the lack of such to be imported.

Just because a leading scientist estimates that RH negative blood came about in Africa 600,000 years ago doesn’t make it so. Just because A.E. Mourant’s study is old doesn’t mean his estimation of 50,000 years needs to be dismissed:

Having found out that the Neanderthals examined were Partial-D could have made them the stepping stones between Rh positive and Rh negative blood indeed.

I made one mistake before: The person teaching me about Neanderthals also spread disinformation, so I dismissed a lot of what was really in-my-face-mindblowing-reality.

Don’t put too much emphasis on credibility. Wrong-minded people can also give you groundbreaking information and well-minded people can completely screw you over and then you realize their intentions may have been otherwise.

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  1. Bridget April 24, 2023
  2. Victor Lawson April 24, 2023
  3. Miki May 5, 2023

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