Why alcoholism is not a disease

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Two older studies indicate that people with blood type A and rh negative blood are more likely to drink heavily and rh negative people are more likely to use drugs. I am avoiding “alcoholics” and “drug addicts” on purpose as neither should be labeled as a disease. I am A- and no: This is not self-deprecating “humor”.

See the studies below:

To expound the argument that alcoholism (or “problem drinking”) is not best regarded as a disease.

Excessive drinking can cause physical disease and involve physical dependence without therefore being a disease itself. The “disease concept” of alcoholism is not needed to justify medical intervention or a caring approach to those who are dependent on alcohol. There is a specific and a general version of the disease concept of alcoholism. The specific disease concept, associated mainly with the Fellowship of Alcoholics Anonymous, is contradicted by empirical evidence and unhelpful for preventive and treatment responses to problem drinking, especially for the effort to detect and modify problem drinking at an early stage. The more general disease concept shares these disadvantages and is also ineffective in engendering sympathetic attitudes towards problem drinkers among the general public. It is more useful to view problem drinking as the result of the interaction between the individual’s personality and the social context in which he or she has learned how to drink.

For an effective and compassionate societal response to problem drinking, the disease model of alcoholism should be replaced by a social learning perspective.

(See: Why alcoholism is not a disease.)

Blood type A has been heavily associated with alcoholism.

Drug addiction with being rh negative:

Table 3 shows that the risk proportion of dependence on drugs in individuals who have negative Rh is 3.1 times more than those who have positive Rh (OR = 3.1, CI 95%: 2.09-4.76, P < 0.0001). Table 3 shows the frequency distribution of different blood types in both control and experiment groups and totally the frequency of blood type AB with a risk proportion (OR= 6.07, CI 95%: 16.4-2.2, P < 0.0001) has a significant difference compared with other blood types and the highest risk proportion was between blood types AB- and B+, so much so that the blood type AB- had a frequency of 12.4 times more than B+ among the addicts.

(See: Substance Misuse Patterns and Blood Types of Self-Introduced Addicts to Substance Rehabilitation Centers of Bam City)

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  1. Debbie November 5, 2018
    • Mike DammannAuthor November 6, 2018
  2. Stacy Lemonds November 5, 2018
  3. Tammy November 7, 2018
  4. Tammy November 7, 2018
  5. mikenzy November 20, 2018
  6. Carolyn H. November 24, 2018
  7. Sasha January 29, 2023

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