Why is Rh negative blood so frequent among Celtic tribes?

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          As the population in northern Turkey expanded, they and other newcomers from the Sahara migrated to the east coast of the Black Sea and populated the area today called Georgia. Almost the entire north coast of the Black Sea was under control of the blond tribe. Only the west coast, on both sides of the mouth of the Danube, was under the control of the redheaded Celts, but they were landlubbers, having never lived in contact with the sea. They had been the southern neighbs of the blond tribe in the Sahara and had been ferried by the Shardana to the mouth of the Danube river, the valley of which they occupied in time, and then took possession of the Alps. The blond-headed sailors controlled the entire Black sea, much to the annoyance of the later Hittites.

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  1. Jessy October 18, 2022

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