Why do so many Rh negatives buy into lies?

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Are we not “living lie detectors”? What about intuition. Truth is, many Rh negatives are needy and when someone offers the illusion of filling that empty space, they jump right into it. Sad, but true.

Ego, fake comfort, fake friendships, illusions, delusions of grandeur and much more, all of that plays a role in what seems to be a migration into the direction that leads off the cliff.

Being Rh negative doesn’t make you immune to bad decision making. It simply gives you tools you can choose to use.

And if you don’t, you will lose.

Protect yourselves from people taking advantage of your needs.

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  1. Hilary September 12, 2020
  2. Michael October 5, 2020
  3. Robin Pry October 11, 2020

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