The Rh Negative Mystery: My Summary 2023

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There are many claims out there regarding Rh negative blood and people. There are even more interesting questions around the subject.

Investigating Rh negative blood, people and its history made me reexamine world history and my eyes remain wide open and open wider and wider on a daily basis.

Many of the traits common in Rh negatives are likely from the Neanderthals.

Other traits, though recessively inherited, might show up unexpectedly though dominated over.

What do Rh negative people tend to have in common which is not common in the general population?

As all of us have different lives with different people, celebrities and those in the public eye tend to be the ones we all know and can observe to some extent.

Which of these 100 traits do not apply to you?

If you are planning something for Rh Negative Day on August 21st, use hashtag #RhNegativeDay for all Rh negatives worldwide to see.

Back to the basics:

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What confuses you?

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